Kasia Galica

Kasia Galica in Burbank
Anita Panagiotis in Wheaton
Jill Maida in Lombard
Eric Ley in Quincy
David Foo in Libertyville
Pilates Central in Evanston
Pilates Central

Anita Panagiotis

Donna Parise Byrne

Donna has created a nurturing community at Pilates Central, encouraging continuous learning and creative treatment plans. She is passionate about integrating Postural Restoration and Pilates principles. After Donna’s initial introduction […]
Jill Maida

Dr. Jill Maida, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, PRC is a Chicago based physical therapist with over 25 years of experience. Following years of work in a hospital and out-patient settings, […]
Eric Ley