Use of Trademarks
The following are registered trademarks of the Postural Restoration Institute, LLC. When using any of the below terms, it is necessary to include the appropriate mark as shown below.
Postural Restoration Institute® (PRI)
Postural Restoration®
Postural Restoration Certified™ (PRC)
Postural Restoration Trained™ (PRT)
Postural Restoration Center™
These marks, either on their own or in reference to the Postural Restoration Institute® (PRI), are protected and may not be used by any person, company, organization, or other entity including domain name usage, without prior written permission by the Postural Restoration Institute, LLC.
In-Services Using PRI Copyrighted Materials
Individuals (Faculty, PRC or PRT Credentialed, or Non-Credentialed) may submit for permission to present to staff or local in-services, presentations at state or national conferences, etc. using PRI copyrighted material for a maximum of 4 hours in length (however prior written permission must be received at least 2 weeks in advance) on a one time basis for that particular organization. Submission of the copyright permission request form below does not guarantee that permission will be granted, and a copyright permission fee may be assessed depending on the nature of the presentation. Any in-service or presentation covering PRI material greater than 4 hours in length must be organized directly through the Postural Restoration Institute®. Please contact Jennifer Platt for more information, or if you have received an invitation to present PRI material for a group which would be greater than 4 hours in length.
PRI Copyright Permission Request Form
All techniques, materials, and content created by the Postural Restoration Institute® (PRI) its employees and staff, and displayed or presented in any manner or format including but not limited to manuals, brochures, electronic presentations, CDs and DVDs, photographs, and web sites, are the proprietary intellectual property of Postural Restoration Institute, LLC and its founder Ron Hruska. This content is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and by the 172 countries who are a signatory to the Berne Convention which established and provides copyright protection globally.
This content may not be duplicated, published, displayed, recreated or otherwise communicated or distributed in any country and in any language, without prior written permission from the Postural Restoration Institute, LLC. Nor may one create any works that are derivatives of PRI copyrighted material without permission.
Permission to use this content can be obtained by contacting the Postural Restoration Institute, LLC. Permission requests are reviewed in a timely manner and in most cases, there is no fee for obtaining permission to use PRI content. Permission inquiries can be submitted using this online form below. Permission requests should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the in-service, presentation or publication, for review.
The non-manual techniques provided in your appendix are intended for use with patients or clients and may be photocopied and distributed without written permission. Be sure to use the techniques without modification while including the copyright information found on the bottom of the page. Modification of any technique is prohibited. Digital copies of all PRI non-manual techniques are available on CD and can be purchased via our website. PRI non-manual techniques are copyrighted and cannot be recreated.
For more information about correct use of PRI Copyrighted Materials and FAQ’s, please download and read our “PRI Guide to Use of Copyrighted Materials”.