
This word was selected for this illustration because of the position that the temporal bones are in on the human cranium.  The temporomandibular fossa moves anterior laterally with temporal internal rotation on the right side which is what this illustration depicts.  This entraps the condyle and usually positions the condyle posteriorly on that side and produces a movement or positioning of the mandible to the left with underutilization of the left lateral pterygoid.  The retruded left mandible occurs because of temporal external rotation on the left.  The fossa moves posteriorly and medially when this happens and usually results in compression of the temporomandibular joint disc between the anterior lateral temporal fossa and the anterior mandibular condyle and that’s when you often see anterior disc displacements occurring on the left side.  Again, the reason “deprived” was chosen is because the left temporal bone usually is deprived of temporal internal rotation and the right one is deprived of temporal external rotation resulting in sidebending lesions of the cranium and rotational constraint through the temporomandibular joints.  This deprivation usually coincides and often precedes most TMJ dysfunctional patterns and pain.