Community News

Welcome to the Postural Restoration Community! This is where you will read the latest industry news, hear about upcoming events, find helpful deadline reminders, and view a plethora of additional resources regarding our techniques and curriculum. The great part about it is--not only can you can view the entries we post, you can also post about the things that matter to you. Did you find an interesting article about a technique you learned in one of your courses? Do you have a patient case study you want to share with other professionals? Simply click "Submit an Entry" and follow the easy steps towards getting your information published in the PRI Community!

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I just returned from our largest state, where I thoroughly enjoyed my time with a group of energetic learners.  Joy, Katie and Tracey at The Physical Therapy Place were tremendous hosts on all fronts!  This class had a great discussion about integration of femurs and a thorax by way of establishing frontal plane control of the inlet and outlet of the pelvis for our clients in various settings.  Control the pillars, inhibition tools plus integration atop said inhibition were a couple of the topics we enjoyed discussing as part of this course.  There were so many people who I enjoyed the process with this weekend!  Thank you Alaska folks for proving to be a very inviting group of learners for this instructor from the “outside!”  

After a 3 month break in my teaching schedule, I was well rested and excited to get back to spreading the good news of PRI!  I was met with the challenge of having a large group of new clinicians to the science of PRI.  We jumped deep into the rabbit hole of the Left AIC pattern and climbed up some trees in the forest of Myokinematics of the Hip and Pelvis.  This was a great group of approximately 40 “PRI newbies”.  What a way to get it back going!  They were patient with me as I shifted their way of thinking about hip pathologies to a more global way of understanding neurological patterns and how that affects position, performance and pain of the hip. 
Welcome to the #PRINATION!  Y’all are “newbies” no more!

Teaching at Finish Line Physical Therapy this weekend was so rewarding for many reasons. Spending time with old friends and making new friends at this course was as rewarding as spending the entire weekend with Mike Cantrell. We both learned so much from each other and were fueled by the passion of those who pursue and practice PRI applications. I really enjoy teaching Cervical Revolution and am excited for anyone taking the course in the future regardless if a Georgian or a Nebraska farm boy teach it!

Jason Masek, ATC, CSCS, PT, PRC spoke at the 2015 NCSA Coaches Conference January 9 in Louisville, KY. He spoke about how posture begins with proper rib cage position, which leads to better breathing and ultimately, better athletic performance. He emphasized how the postural position that you start in will affect the position that you end in. Hyperinflation and how to manage athletes with this problem was also discussed. Watch the video HERE.

Lori and I enjoyed our time and journey teaching Pelvis Restoration with the group of movement enthusiasts at Rebound Sports Physical Therapy this past weekend.  An engaging and fun group whose particular attention to clinical and on-field applications of pelvic inlet and outlet position will be applied readily. Inhibition and detecting the best time to inhibit based on special test findings was a good topic covered in detail.  Thanks again to all who attended and helped make this weekend a snowy, enjoyable event for all!