Thank you to Impact Physical Medicine and Aquatic Center for hosting Pelvis Restoration this past weekend. It was a wonderful weekend of integration and learning with fellow colleagues as we dissected the pelvic inlet and outlet. Our goals were to Reposition (inhibit), Re-train (facilitate) and Restore (alternate, oscillate, resonate, vibrate). Participants were energized with open minds with 7 new course attendees to PRI, 3 PRC’s, and the rest attending another PRI course with various backgrounds. I feel the attendees gained a better understanding with the Pelvic Ascension Drop Test (frontal plane stance phase) and Passive Abduction Raise Test (frontal plane swing phase) with application of the Hruska Abduction Lift test to assist with the pelvic inlet or outlet restoration. From Shirley’s purple highlighted hair reminding of us of internal rotation/inhalation, to Lindsey’s awesome questions, to Mylan’s “light bulb” moments—it gave me energy and found me grateful. Mike, Mara and Christie (PRC’s and lab assistancts) thank you for supporting the Institute and for your passion for the science of PRI.