APTA Combined Sections Meeting 2019

Jen and I had the pleasure of returning to the APTA Combined Sections Meeting this year in Washington, D.C. Years past have provided us great discussions with both Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants as well as Students who are seeking these professions. This year once again proved the value of our attendance and allowed us to inform many individuals interested in the science of Postural Restoration. It is so re-assuring and invigorating to be able to discuss our science with those who may not have been exposed prior to attending.

The Combination of both PT students and seasoned Physical Therapist’s provided a myriad of conversations and allowed us to connect with both sides of the spectrum. Many faculty members from various institutions and organizations asked passionately about our science and wanted to be better at introducing it to their students. Many students asked passionately about finding a PRI Clinician in their area for mentorship and clinical experience as they complete schooling. Interests in specialization areas continues to grow and we were excited to discuss our Affiliate programs in Pediatrics, Geriatrics and all others with those who find interest in these populations.

Shortly after a discussion regarding our PRI Integration for Fitness and Movement course we were surprised to see a familiar face come across our booth! Little did we know Julie Blandin was in attendance and literally ran into us amongst the crowd. What a great surprise!

Although running into a PRI faculty member was unplanned, we were lucky to have several PRC’s and PRT’s reach out to us as they learned of our stay in the area. On day 2 of the conference we received another surprise as our dear friend and PRT Navin Hettiarachchi sent us a text. “I don’t know how but I have found 3 tickets for you to tonight’s game!”, we had discussed possibly meeting up with Navin but due to the Golden State Warriors coming to town we all thought it would be difficult to find tickets. Although we loved our first NBA experience it was perhaps more fun to see Navin in action with the team. He is a true gift to any organization, as his smile is infectious and his care for his players is unmatched. They are lucky to have him and we are lucky to call him our friend and have him in our PRI Family.

We were also able to meet up with PRC Heather Carr, who has been part of the PRI Family for many years. It was great to see her and to meet her husband Jan, as they provided us with local recommendations and things to see. Heather continues to introduce PRI to many others and we are so grateful for her support. Our last evening included a dinner reservation with PRI Faculty Louise Kelly and her husband Bruce and it was such a great way to finish our weekend. Bruce and Louise met in graduate school and it was a true pleasure to take a walk down memory lane with both of them. Although the food was great the conversations shared and laughs that were had truly made our last night in DC special.

Thank you to all everyone who made this conference a success. The science of PRI continues to grow and each conference we attend makes it apparent that word of mouth is still one of the best ways to connect and share our passions with others. Thank you in particular to Navin, Heather, Julie and Louise for going out of your way to spend time with us. PRI has a way of connecting people and it was great re-connecting with each of you!