Applications for the PRT July Testing Date Due March 15th!

We are just a couple weeks away from the Postural Restoration Trained™(PRT) application deadline for summer testing. PRT summer testing is available once every 3 years to help accomodate Athletic Trainers and Strength and Conditioning Coaches who have expressed an interest in completing the PRT credentialing program, but due to the schedule of the teams that they work with, are unable to get away to attend the annual testing date in January.

PRT applications for the summer testing date are due on March 15th, and testing will take place on July 17-18th at the Postural Restoration Institute in Lincoln, Nebraska. Please note that there will not be an Impingement & Instability course offered in conjunction with this testing date, therefore all applicants will need to take this required course elsewhere prior to testing.  

Postural Restoration Trained (PRT) is a credential available to Athletic Trainers (with Certification through the BOC), Athletic Therapists (with Certification through the CATA), Strength and Conditioning Coaches (with CSCS Certification through the NSCA or SCCC Certification through the CSCCa, Certified Special Population Specialist (with CSPS Certification through the NSCA and completion of a Bachelor’s degree or higher degree), and Exercise Physiologists (with Certification through the ACSM). For more information on the course requirements and to download the application, CLICK HERE!

If you are planning to apply for PRT, and have any questions, please email me!