A serendipitous encounter…
This past March, we had the honor of teaching an Occlusal Cervical Restoration live stream course to over 70 interdisciplinary professionals including several dentists. It was during that live stream course that we unexpectedly discovered that Dr. James Carlson, DDS, a giant in his profession and someone we have referenced in course material for years, was still alive! One of his good friends and colleagues put us in touch with him the following week, and this serendipitous discovery has led not only to a new friendship, but also an expanded collaborative effort on the importance of interdisciplinary team management between dentists and movement professionals. Dr. Carlson has since graced us with his presence on a Cervical Revolution and Occlusal Cervical Restoration live stream, leaving course participants with interactions and discussions that won’t soon be forgotten. In our first meeting with Dr. Carlson back in April, we knew that we had an opportunity that we couldn’t pass up. And so, despite thinking we had just finished our last Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium of its kind a few days earlier, Ron’s heart was tugged to do yet another. And it was during that first meeting, that we invited Dr. James Carlson to present as our featured speaker for our 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium, which is titled “The Stomatognathic System – An Interdisciplinary Approach in the Management of Spatial Navigation and Structural Strength”. The stomatognathic system is sometimes referred to as the masticatory system, however Dr. Carlson as he wrote in his book, Analyzing the Stomatognathic System, sometimes refers to it as the “cranio-maxillomandibular-cervical-dental complex”. As
a dentist, Dr. Carlson recognized early on in his career that there is a “bigger picture”, which includes caring for the components of the stomatognathic system. Collectively, we feel that it’s important that all healthcare and fitness professionals recognize this as well. And so, we invite you to join us in April, for an Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium that you won’t want to miss!
Our 2022 course brochure should be arriving to your mailboxes, doorsteps, offices and mailrooms soon, if it hasn’t already!
We are so excited for the opportunities this year will bring and continuing our mission to explore and explain the science of postural adaptations, asymmetrical patterns and the influence of polyarticular chains of muscles.